The Mark Of A False Prophet
Episode #5 of Counter-punching the counterfeit. Last week we talked about Jesus literally rising from the dead on the third day, this...
Denying the Resurrection: A Grave Mistake.
Episode #4 of Counter-punching the Counterfeit Last week we talked about how the death of Jesus on the cross was in fact literal,...
T'was Not Merely A Flesh Wound!
This episode can be found archived on our Podcast page. Episode #3 of “Counter-punching the Counterfeit” Jesus died a literal, physical...
Will the real Jesus Christ please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?
Listen to the archived episode here: Last week we talked about annihilationism, we believe it’s important...
Why Everything You Know About Annihilationism Is A Lie.
The archived message can be accessed on our podcast page. This won’t be your standard cult by cult debunking series, rather it’s all...
Sifting through the bull----.
The world’s objections to Christianity stem from abusive tactics. The objective of this message is to help you work through a Gospel...
Fear Tactics, or just Plain Reality?
Before we begin, please take a moment to watch this excellent video from Living Waters. Ray Comfort does an excellent job of sharing the...
What the world will never understand about love.
True love hurts! I saw a purple magnetic ribbon sticker on a car which said “True love should not be painful...” or something to that...
What's in it for the evangelists? The answer will break your heart.
Have you ever been asked to do something that involved either a lot of work or dragging you out of your comfort zone? I'm sure the first...
Rules Of Engagement For Our Forums
A very important tip for success in any competitive sport is to follow and obey the referee at all times. It's no different in the world...