Your generous donation
will help people go BOLDLY
with the GOSPEL where they haven't gone before!
I need your help. It's a small ministry, but with your help we can reach the world together!
You can give online here:
This ministry is made possible by the providence of the Lord through your generosity. Don't feel like you need to give a large sum of money. Even just $2/month can do more than you think.
My goal is to raise approximately $800/month in financial support. This is a lot to ask of anyone in particular, but a community of believers giving small amounts as they feel led can make a huge impact toward my goal.
Maybe you're unable to contribute on your own, but perhaps your church would be willing to support this ministry as a mission. If this ministry has blessed you in any way, please consider helping out as you can.
I am a native to Indiana, born in New Albany and graduated from New Albany High School and Prosser School of Technology back in 2007. That same year I moved to Hyde Park, NY to attend the Culinary Institute of America for Culinary Arts, I graduated in 2009. After that I met the woman who is now my wife, Emily, who is a native to NY. We got married in 2010 and lived in New Albany until 2013 when we moved back to Hyde Park.
What have I been doing since then?
For the past 4 years since moving here, I have been learning and building my skills as a street evangelist and discipling others along the way. This year I realized it was time to begin teaching classes on everything I've learned over the years, thus the beginning of the Southpaw Soapbox Evangelism Training Academy. It was first taught in June this year at New Beginnings CMA in Poughkeepsie, NY as a 3-day class.
What will this class teach you?
It will teach you to have a mindset of everyday evangelism as well as how to make time for it in even the busiest of lives.
You will learn how to condition your heart to have that unique form of compassion toward lost souls that will drive you to share the Gospel with them.
You will learn how to handle tough situations such as hostile questions and turn them into powerful witnessing encounters.
Most importantly, you will learn how to overcome the biggest challenge in evangelism: how to start the conversation about Jesus!
Why not just plant a church?
As I said, there are plenty of churches. My job is to partner with you and your church so we can affect this region in a way that hasn't been seen in over a century. Revivals always start when a group of Christians go all out to serve the Lord together.
How can we make this class happen in our area?
The Lord has been very gracious to us in providing us with this opportunity. Even the smallest donation will make huge progress toward our goal.
You won't just be giving to a small trip that starts and finishes within a week, you'll be giving to a vision that will leave a lasting effect in your neighborhood.