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Our mission is to demonstrate the power of God through evangelism.

SCF Ministry's key philosophy is that no one is unsaveable. As long as there is breath in their lungs they are capable of being saved by the power of God unto salvation. 
We are dedicated to planting sustainable teams of evangelists throughout every community. Imagine a world where there's a Christian preaching the Gospel on every street corner. That's what we need in order to spark a true revival.
Our plan is much like the Apostle Paul's missionary journeys. First, our team systematically maps out locations to set up our evangelism efforts. Then we seek out local churches in that area with whom we can partner. In partnering with the church, we invite the members to join us in our efforts. Next, with members of the local church alongside us, we begin sharing the Gospel using innovative evangelism approaches. As time goes on, people who have joined us will grow more and more bold in the Gospel. The ultimate goal is to send them forth to lead the efforts in that area. When that happens, our team moves on to a new area, knowing that the Gospel is being preached even in our absence. 

Willie Needham: Evangelist Minister

Born in a small town of New Albany, IN, Willie Needham was a young man with big dreams of becoming a chef. Within years of graduating from the Culinary Institute of America, he discovered his true passion for evangelism through a training class called Way of the Master. 

Now Willie is preaching in the Hudson Valley region of New York State. You may find him at local events or parks. Wherever you find him, he'll always find a way to talk to people about Jesus.

Here's an interview on a radio show with Laura Maxwell. 

Jim Herald: Evangelist 

Born in upstate New York, Jim found his drive for preaching the Gospel through his powerful conversion experience. Jim walked through life believing he's a good enough person to get to Heaven. Then one day a friend shared the 10 Commandments with him and it cut him to the heart.


You may now find him at local events or parks. Wherever you find him, he'll always have a way to share the Gospel with everyone around him.

Here's an interview with Jim introducing him into the ministry.
John Williams: Evangelist

If there are 3 things in the world that John loves they are God, his wife and 4 children, and science. John enjoys discussions about anything to do with God, science, and math and would be more than happy to take a lesson on nuclear physics and segue it into the gospel for you. He graduated with honors with a bachelors of science in mechanical engineering and he specializes in metallurgy, materials science, and electro-chemical plating processes. As a process engineer, he has done work in almost every area of science in his career, including physics, electronics, programming, chemistry, and biology, and today he works for a company that makes nickel-titanium medical devices. This is all to say that John is a very logical individual who approaches all areas of life in a thorough, scientific manner, including his faith. Please feel free to ask him whatever concerns you may have about science and the Bible. He enjoys doing research and would love to help you develop a deeper understanding of God, the Bible, and how science supports the Gospel we proclaim. Here's an interview introducing him to the team.

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