What have we been up to all year?
We have been very busy growing into a fine team of evangelists this past year. If I could describe the year 2017 in one word, it would be "Growth" because we went from a solo operation to a team of three, and what a team it is! So sit back, relax, and enjoy our first 3-person interview ever as well as the first message of 2018! Below this message are the links promised in the talks.
All of our visions for 2018 require continued support from you, so please prayerfully consider contributing to Set The Captives Free Ministries. It's the beginning of the year, so you might still be working on your budget for the year, please consider us as you form your financial plans. You can give safely and securely right on our DONATE page: www.scfministry.com/donate
My first radio show as a guest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGkWvgbmgd8
My 2nd raddio show as a guest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIliMlW4-X0
The October mission report: https://www.scfministry.com/single-post/Louisville