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Here's an amazing interview I had with Laura Maxwell.

This interview was an eye-opening experience for me, raising awareness of the dangers in dabbling with the occult. Not only did Laura dabble in it, she actively participated in practices of channeling spirits and contacting the dead. Only later did she discover that she wasn't contacting the dead, but demons who sought to torment her! Praise be to God that through Christ, she was set free!

After listening to her testimony, maybe you can relate. Maybe you went through the same experience in your life, but was afraid to speak up about it? Well, take heart my friend, you're not alone. Not only are you not alone, but there's help out there available for anyone in this situation. Now Laura hosts a show on Eternal Radio, interviewing ex occultists for their conversion stories and their reach-out work to those in new age, cults and the occult. She is the founder of international ministry A Spiritual Quest, based in Scotland. Her blog features articles and more by guest writers and herself at


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