The Many Applications of Salt Part 2: Salt is a preservative.
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men."
Matthew 5:13
This is a continuation of a previous blog post:
This week I'm discussing how salt is a preservative.
Salt has the amazing ability to prolong the shelf life of a food item, sometimes indefinitely. Salt cod, pickles, kimchi, preserved lemons and most importantly: BACON! are a few examples of how salt can keep food from spoiling. Among many other chemical and biological reactions taking place, what it does is it removes the necessary moisture so that spoiling bacteria and mold can't grow on it.
Did you know that Christians have the ability to preserve the life of people here on Earth? No, I don't mean that we possess some magic formula to live to be 100 years old by eating only jelly doughnuts. (Therefore, if anyone tries to tell you that, just run!)
For every non-believer in this world, there's a chance for Christians to pray for them and share the Gospel with them. When a Christian prays for a non-believer, he or she is asking God to give that person a chance to hear the Gospel message. When we share the Gospel with a non-believer, we give them yet another chance to turn from their sins and trust in Jesus Christ before they die. Whether it's their first time hearing it or their 100th time, each time is another chance at Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.
In conclusion: If we are to be salt to this earth, we need to be able to bring out the true nature of people around us by being a Christ-like example. We also need to be continually praying for non-believers and sharing the Gospel with them so that they may have yet another chance to turn from their sins and trust in Christ.