The New Face of the Church
It's been a real challenge dealing with not being able to have in person fellowship with other believers for so long. The hardest part is...

#southpawsoapbox Where will you be when the bell rings?
Boxing is all about winning the fight at the end. There are only three ways to win: Score the most points by the end of the fight, knock...

The Parable Of The Punch-Less Boxer.
Beware of the fear of man! Christians in America these days live out their lives in fear and trembling. The only problem is it's the...

What does shadow boxing have to do with evangelism?
Do you want to be more effective in your ability to share your faith? Do you crave the level of energy other Christians seem to have in...

Why I'm a Southpaw
How being a left-handed fighter helps me share the Gospel. My preaching nickname is Willie Southpaw Soapbox, so I suppose it's time I...

What kind of evangelist are you?
What we thought was just an excuse may actually be more valid than we thought. Do you bring people to you for the Gospel or do you have...

Is Salvation Worth The Fight?
"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith." 1 John 5:4 Why do we...

Share your faith better by learning the jab.
No, I don't mean we need to start punching people in the face in order to get the Gospel to the world. So put your boxing gloves down for...

Tracy Patterson: Fighting Until The Bell Rings
I've had the privilege of working with Tracy over the past couple of years at the Floyd Patterson Boxing Club and it's amazing watching...

God in the hands of an angry sinner.
To most Christians, calling their church seeker-friendly is the theological equivalent to a yo' mama joke. Seriously though, what on...